Pedigree of Ch Cedavoch Solar Storm At Bronia



Born 28/10/2016
Sex  Bitch
Colour Red
Breeder Lesley McNaughton
Owned By  Fran Mitchell

1 CC, 1 BOB & 4 RCC's

2 BPIB (Ch Shows)


Ch Carper Ag Von Nordor (Imp FCA) Adam TD Mark Mass D'Jao Dachshund SCPC TTapirapes
Donatela Quinan Ferreira
Greta De Fermincan Treis Pinheiros Hugo Boss
Alpheratz Country Girl
Ch Cedavoch Sornn Phaelands Sheriffs Deputy Aus/UK Ch Nicholyev The Hobbit (Imp Aus)
Phaeland Storm Devotion
Cedavoch I Love To Boogie AM/UK Ch Jagie's I Love The Nightlife
Ch Cedavoch Aarwen